We invite you to attend ANZAHPE 2024!
Join us for ANZAHPE 2024! It is with great excitement that we can announce the ANZAHPE 2024 Conference theme 'Cultivating Innovation' to be held in Adelaide, South Australia.
So, start working up your abstracts and block out your calendars from 1st to 4th July, 2024 in preparation for an extravaganza of collegiality, networking opportunities and all things ‘Health Professional Education’.
Join us in Adelaide for ANZAHPE 2024
After the huge success of the 2023 in person Conference in the Gold Coast, we welcome you to attend ANZAHPE 2024. We invite all health professional educators, clinical educators, educational researchers, health educational providers, health professional students and those involved in innovative health progression education practice to attend.
The official conference website is now live.
Call for Abstracts
The Call for Abstracts for the ANZAHPE Conference 2024 is NOW OPEN!
The Adelaide theme is 'Cultivating Innovation'. We invite you to submit an abstract, whether you are a health professional educator, clinical educator, educational researcher, health education provider, health professional student or involved in innovative health profession educational practice, now is the time to start writing abstracts to share how you have been ‘cultivating innovation’ in health professions education!
We urge you to take this opportunity to be an active part of the conference by sharing your experiences and visions for the future with fellow delegates. You will expand your professional network and find participation a rewarding and stimulating experience.
Please click here for abstract submission process and guidelines details.
To submit your abstracts and inform us of your great work. To Network and Learn. To Share and Celebrate. To Challenge and Grow.
We look forward to warmly welcoming you as we bring the ANZAHPE community together in-person again.
Visit the official conference website for further details