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  • 7 Nov 2024 11:50 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Michael Tran on his Associate Fellowship with ANZAHPE.

    Michael Tran is an early-career academic general practitioner at UNSW. Currently, he convenes the undergraduate primary care program UNSW. I work part time in clinical practice with a broad range of interests including procedural practice. Outside of the office Michael enjoys spending time with family, and in the ocean as a surf lifesaver.

    "I have a broad range of research interests spanning from the scholarship of teaching and learning in undergraduate medical education to postgraduate general practice education. I am involved in curriculum design and evaluation at both an undergraduate and postgraduate level. The learning journey is of particular interest with the impact clinical rotations, apprenticeship-style models and artificial intelligence all featuring in my scholarly inquiry. My PhD is exploring the transitions experienced by postgraduate GP trainees, with a focus on the role of uncertainty in learning and specialist practice.

    I have been very fortunate to be mentored by wonderful colleagues at ANZAHPE and have learnt so much already to help my own learning, practice, and research. Applying for fellowship would help me engage further with colleagues and health professional educators. I aim to further my own experience and develop expertise in scholarly educational practice."

  • 5 Nov 2024 11:17 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Mahbub Sarkar on his Fellowship with ANZAHPE.

    Mahbub is a Senior Lecturer in education research at Monash University’s Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences and an Academic Development Specialist at the Monash Education Academy. A Senior Fellow (SFHEA) of Advance HE, his research focuses on professional development for university educators, exploring evolution of health professions education, and fostering employability in healthcare students, using qualitative and mixed-methods designs. His work is published in top-ranked education journals.

    Mahbub's interests lie in continuing professional development, educator identity, graduate employability, generic/transferable skills development, evolution of health professions education, research methodologies

    "ANZAHPE’s welcoming, supportive community inspired me to apply for Fellowship. Committed to advancing health professions education, I’m excited to deepen my involvement by promoting scholarship, mentorship, and growth for junior colleagues. The Fellowship empowers me to continue contributing meaningfully to ANZAHPE’s mission and the future of our field."

  • 4 Nov 2024 9:04 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Kristie Matthews on her ANZAHPE Associate Fellowship.

    Kristie is a Senior Research Fellow in the Monash Centre for Scholarship in Health Education and Senior Lecturer in the School of Primary and Allied Health Care, in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at Monash University. A radiation therapist by background, Kristie's previous role for six years was Education Coordinator for radiation therapy services at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Kristie's scholarly interests include health professional student preparedness for practice; work based learning; and post-qualification education and practise.

    "I highly value the collegiate and supportive network that being a member of ANZAHPE provides. Applying for Associate Fellowship was an important step in being a part of this community, and to be recognised by my health professions education peers"

  • 28 Oct 2024 7:33 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Neil Osheroff on his Fellowship with ANZAHPE.

    Neil Osheroff is Professor of Biochemistry and Medicine, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, and holds the John G. Coniglio Chair in Biochemistry. He received his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology from Northwestern University and was a Helen Hay Whitney postdoctoral fellow at Stanford University School of Medicine. Beyond his research laboratory, he is the longest standing course director in the School of Medicine and co-directs the Foundations of Medical Knowledge pre-clerkship phase and the Human Blueprint and Architecture foundational science course. He is a Past-Director of the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine Academy for Excellence in Education and is also a Past-President of the Association of Biochemistry Educators and the International Association of Medical Science Educators (IAMSE). In addition to his recognition as Fellow of ANZAHPE, Neil has received awards for mentoring, teaching, curricular design, educational leadership and service, and diversity and inclusion, including the “Distinguished Career Award for Excellence in Teaching and Educational Scholarship” from IASME and the “Alpha Omega Alpha Robert J. Glaser Distinguished Teacher Award” from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). He is also a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE).

    My scholarly interests in health professions education include curricular design and integration, basic science medical education, competency-based assessment and feedback, programmatic evaluation, faculty development and professional identity formation, mentoring, and leadership and change management.

    I have been involved with ANZHPE for several years, ever since I attended my first annual conference in Newcastle in 2015. I really enjoyed the conference and the people who I met there. Subsequently, I have attended a number of annual meetings and worked closely with the leaders of ANZAHPE while I was an officer of IAMSE, to strengthen relationships between the two Associations. As a result, I have developed a number of close friendships with colleagues in ANZAHPE. I applied for the ANZAHPE Fellowship because I felt that it would provide me with a platform to become more involved with the Association, especially with regard to mentoring and helping to develop younger educators. I am humbled and honored to have been elected as a Fellow of ANZAHPE, especially being the first Fellow from a country outside of Australia or New Zealand. I look forward to becoming even more involved in the Association in my new capacity.

  • 22 Oct 2024 8:35 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Meet one of our newest members, Susan McLeod.

    Susan is a Registered Nutritionist, Course Coordinator, and Senior Lecturer in Nutrition. After a 15-year career in the food industry working on food product development, food safety, and compliance, Susan transitioned to La Trobe University. There, she contributes to developing and enhancing nutrition education. Susan's passion lies in sharing her love for food and nutrition science with students and developing their employability. Susan is actively involved in research focused on Nutrition Employability, aiming to prepare students for their careers and improve their employment outcomes. Beyond academia, Susan chairs the AIFST Nutrition Special Interest Group and serves as the Deputy Chair of the NSA Special Interest Group for Nutrition Education and Tertiary Teaching.

    "I chose to become a member of ANZAHPE as it provides access to the latest research on professional health education, the opportunity to network with like-minded professionals, and professional development opportunities to stay abreast of developments in health education."

  • 22 Oct 2024 8:30 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Meet one of our newest members, Dr Katya Clark, PhD, RNutr.

    Katya is a nutrition scientist and teaching academic who coordinates the undergraduate Nutrition degrees at Curtin University.

    “As a nutrition scientist I am interested in food and process that occur after food consumption. As a degree coordinator, I am also very invested in the student experience, curriculum design, and fostering learning communities to prepare students for careers in nutrition.”  Katya's work emphasizes career development, particularly within the diverse and evolving field of nutrition.

    In addition to her role at Curtin University, Katya chairs the Nutrition Society of Australia's Special Interest Group for Nutrition Education and Tertiary Teaching (SIGNETT). Recently, she completed a Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, focusing on innovative learning and teaching.

    "I joined ANZAHPE as an opportunity to connect and learn from others in related fields."

  • 11 Oct 2024 7:48 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Jessica Pace on her Associate Fellowship with ANZAHPE!

    Jessica is an education-focussed academic at the Sydney Pharmacy School at the University of Sydney and a practicing hospital pharmacist. Her teaching focuses on the development of practical skills such as patient counselling, dispensing and compounding and legal and ethical reasoning and she has led significant curriculum projects in these areas. She is an emerging educational scholar, with broad research interests in pharmacy learning, teaching and assessment.

    "I was encouraged to apply for ANZAHPE Associate Fellowship after attending the 2024 ANZAHPE conference, where I was impressed by the supportive and innovative ANZAHPE community and excited to work with and learn from leaders in health professions education. Associate Fellowship is also an important way of recognising my work and scholarship in health professions education."

  • 16 Sep 2024 8:12 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Meet one of our newest members, Sheri Anne Rae.

    Sheri Anne Rae holds a Masters of Medical Ultrasound and is an Associate Fellow of Australasian Sonographers Association. She is Chief Sonographer at I-MED Radiology Network with 25 years' experience in the radiology industry. She has a special interest in upper limb NeuroMSK ultrasound and Clinical Education. She is actively involved with multiple industry stakeholders, including ASA’s Policy and Advisory Committee, Clinical Educators Special Interest Group, Radiology Across Borders Mentorship Program and is clinical advisor for various sonography education providers.

    Clinical education in sonography shares some commonalities with other allied health professions but also has some unique challenges.

    "I joined ANZAHPE to learn from other health professionals ways to improve clinical education opportunities for student sonographers."

  • 4 Sep 2024 9:56 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Dr James Thompson on his ANZAHPE Fellowship

    James is a senior lecturer at the University of Adelaide, where he contributes extensively across the interprofessional education courses within the School of Allied Health. His rich and diverse clinical experience in paramedic and nursing roles underscores many of the authentic learning approaches and teaching innovations that have become the hallmark of his work.

    These efforts have led to educational leadership roles in paramedicine, nursing, and medicine throughout an academic career spanning more than 20 years. His research, supervision, and ongoing collaborations extend across multiple disciplines and professional networks, encompassing themes such as programmatic assessment, simulation, entrustment, competency, mentorship, and work-readiness. This fellowship appointment recognizes his achievements and sustained contributions to health professions education.

    “I am looking forward to connecting and reconnecting with many in the ANZAPHE community, whose work and words have helped shape my own ideas over the years.”

  • 29 Aug 2024 9:04 AM | Kendall Marriott (Administrator)

    Meet one of our newest members, Dr Sharmila Ramessur Chandran.

    Sharmila Ramessur is a renal physician in Melbourne. Since her trainee years, she has been involved in postgraduate medical education as well as the teaching of medical students and more recently has been involved in the creation of education courses such as the leadership course of RACP and the update course of ANZSN. She has also taken several advocacy roles within educational organisations, and is currently the president elect of RACP.

    "I still really encourage ground teaching of medical students and physician trainees.  I teach medical students through University of Melbourne at Epworth Healthcare and I am a FRACP examiner. I am currently in the midst of a Masters in Clinical Education through the University of Melbourne, as I am keen to become involved in medical education research. I heard about ANZAHPE and I immediately joined as I am keen to play an active role in the association."


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P O Box 2100, C/- Prideaux Discipline
Adelaide, SA  5001  Australia
Phone: +61 478 313 123
ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
ANZAHPE Administration:

President: Dr Charlotte Denniston

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