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The ANZAHPE Award is available each year to recognise professional excellence or outstanding achievement in the field of health professional education.

The Award may be presented for professional excellence in such areas as health professional education, research or service to ANZAHPE.

Contribution to health professional education

A supporting letter describing the nominee’s contribution to health professional education may include such areas as curriculum development; course design, teaching and coordination; student supervision, undergraduate or postgraduate; and continuing education or professional development.

Some possible criteria to be used in the consideration of nominees are:

  • Extent of knowledge in their field
  • Level of expertise reached; critical-mindedness in the field; ability to formulate and present ideas clearly and precisely
  • Degree of innovation displayed in relation to ideas for new courses or support for alteration of existing courses
  • Ability to interact with and motivate students and staff
  • Personal initiative in relation to teaching and other educational matters
  • Ability to attract outside educational support and recognition. 

contribution to health professional educational research

An evaluation of the nominee’s contribution to health professional education research may include such areas as work published or accepted, submitted for publication, in preparation for publication; papers delivered at conferences and seminars; invited lecturers; and grants received. 

Some possible criteria to be used in the consideration of nominees are:

  • Degree of mastery of knowledge in their field
  • Critical-mindedness in relation to research activity
  • Ability to create new ideas
  • Ability to utilise new ideas from other sources
  • Open-mindedness to new ideas
  • Ingenuity and creativeness in developing facilities for research
  • Motivation – degree to which activities organised and coordinated, towards a productive research output
  • Achievements – contribution to knowledge as demonstrated by scholarly works, published or accepted for publication; applied research and associated publications, including computer software; technological developments, projects inventions, patents, etc.

Ability to attract outside research support.


Please ensure that the names of the nominators and nominee are clearly stated.

Nominations must be signed by a proposer and seconder, both of whom must be financial members of ANZAHPE.

Email completed nomination form to: email form


Nominations for the ANZAHPE Award can be forwarded at any time of year.

CLOSING DATE for 2024 round:  13 May, 2024.


P O Box 852,
Renmark, SA  5341  Australia
Telephone: +61 478 313 123
ANZAHPE Executive Officer:
ANZAHPE Administration:

President: A/Prof Jo Bishop

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